Friday, 12 March 2021

A pile of updates...

Looking at the blog-page and comparing it with my latest pictures I became aware of a substantial "gap". In my idea the progress wasn't so big but after all I did quite some things. So here we go:

Firs of all I wasn't very satisfied with the companion way hatch. It turned out to be skewed a bit and that bothered me. With aluminum the solution is: cut it off and weld it again (and then straight).

So that is what I did. I ended up with a shorter hatch but that was still within the limits to be rain-proof.

Probably I'll do some rain-test and decide if I have to install a small water-strip on the back-side. With heavy rains the water should drain into the garage instead of the cabin.

The new front welded in a backward angle, in line with the back wall of the cabin for aesthetics and the "old" handel in place again.

As Erik (my collegue) pointed out that the hole of the centreboard-line would wear out the rope I had to install some solution. This is a piece of 10mm alu rod cut in half and tooled to smooth.

Probably overdone but I thought it would be wise to install a Bilge pump. This one is situated in the port seat bunk. 

Also installed: Battery, switch panel, main switch and led lighting.

It took a while before I knew how I wanted to "upholster" the cockpit. It took another 3 months to get the materials from China 😏. This is the result:


In the next pictures you see the tabernacle welded in place. As this is from 10mm aluminum and the cabin wall is 3mm this could be a tricky weld (differences in heath dissipation). With some preproseccing and beveling the welds succeeded very well however.

Behind the tabernacle you also see the 30 Watts solar panel in place.

And the last pictures of this post: some wet testing and trying out the modifcations of the trailer.
These modifications didn't turn out to be very useful. I had quite some difficulty to get the boat on the trailer again. More on that issue in a later post.

It also wouldn't get off the trailer easy...
But with some "encouragement", wet feet and some help of a friendly neighbour it did...