Saturday, 13 April 2019

Adjusting the first drawings

Just started to cut out the sections of the drawings of the keel and center board.
The keel and center board trunk are the first to be build.

As I mentioned before the construction with aluminum will be different and often even simpler than in wood-epoxy. Take a corner joint between two sheets of 6mm wood for example. For some strength you need cleats, blocks, stringers, fillets, etc. In aluminum a single weld does the same trick without adding extra reinforcement.

Now the first adjustment is in the keel already. In the original design the nose of the keel consists of a solid wooden block which is necessary as this is one of the most vulnerable spots of the ship.
I could replace it with a solid block of aluminum but this will probably be overdone. Instead I will extend the keel side plates, bend the nose ends and weld the joint on both the in- and outside.

So I extended the pattern for the keel side plates in the drawings. Works fine as the drawings are very accurate and printed on quality paper.

Will be continued...

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